Registration Form for the Joint Equinet-EPHA-OHCHR Roundtable | Monitoring Effective Access to Quality Healthcare for Roma and Racialised Communities

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Joint Equinet-EPHA-OHCHR Roundtable | Monitoring Effective Access to Quality Healthcare for Roma and Racialised Communities 

25 September, 09:30 - 13:15 CET | Hybrid (Zoom/UN House, Brussels)

Registration deadline: 20 September



The Racial Equality Directive prohibits direct and indirect discrimination on the grounds of racial or ethnic origin across different areas including healthcare. Despite the advanced legal framework against discrimination, inequalities in access to healthcare persist and legislation needs to be backed up with further actions. According to the EU Action Plan Against Racism, the COVID-19 crisis brought the consequences of existing health inequalities suffered by people with a minority racial or ethnic background into the spotlight as well as underlined that racism can also affect people's mental health. Likewise, the EU Roma Strategic Framework for equality, inclusion and participation for 2020 - 2030 pointed out the significant life expectancy gap at birth between the general population and Roma people, specifically 10.4 years for Roma women and 10.2 years for Roma men. The current importance of this topic is also emphasized at the international level. This is the case of the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, which General Recommendation N° 37 on racial discrimination in the enjoyment of the right to health identify common challenges and provides guidance on measures to address them, in line with the ICERD.

The effectiveness and sustainability of the abovementioned plans and actions depends to a large extent on the existence of robust monitoring and reporting mechanisms. The EU Action Plan against Racism, the EU Roma Strategic Framework and the Council Recommendation on Roma equality, inclusion and participation propose a partnership approach to such endeavour, including detailed expectations concerning the role of Equality Bodies, civil society organizations and National Roma Contact Points.

Equinet organized an online workshop in April 2022 and February 2023 to discuss National Roma Strategic Frameworks and National Action Plans against Racism. Furthermore, Equinet is an active stakeholder of the European Public Health Alliance (EPHA)-led DisQo network which through a series of webinars, explored some of the key priorities where action is required in relation to racism and discrimination on both mental and physical health inequities.

Building upon the above activities, Equinet, EPHA and the Office of the High Commissioner on Human Rights (OHCHR) will organise a roundtable to explore the inequalities and experiences of discrimination of Roma and racialised communities with a focus on monitoring and reporting on access to quality healthcare, as well as to discuss the role Equality Bodies may play in collaborating with CSOs and National Roma Contact Points (NRCPs) in ensuring equal access to quality healthcare.


If you have any questions about registration or need support filling in the form, please contact Daris Lewis, Legal and Policy Officer at Equinet (


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How do you plan to join the event?
*Participants shall cover all costs related to travel, accommodation and subsistence.
If you choose to attend in person, please remember that your registration needs to be confirmed.


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Please note that the personal information that you will be forwarding to Equinet will be handled with the strictest confidentiality possible to ensure the smooth and orderly organisation of the concerned events. Once the event is over, the records collected through this registration form will be kept by Equinet, in accordance with our internal rules, for the purpose of financial reporting to funders. In no case will your information be transferred to an external third party. You retain the right at all times to enquire about and demand the destruction of the personal information Equinet has in its possession by contacting us (Equinet: +32 2 212 31 82 -